The Fields Above the Skies
"The Fields Above The Skies" is a 15-minutes musical performance that takes place in complete darkness. It is inspired by sound recordings made at the Gavarnie circus in the Pyrenees National Park. The sonic identity is combined with analog and digital synthesizers to create an immersive and sensory experience of ambient music. The sound system is quadraphonic, with four speakers surrounding the audience, allowing for the movement of sound in space. As a result, the audience finds themselves in a contemplative environment that encourages letting go, meditation, and reconnection with nature and its soundscapes.
These performances are musical improvisations and are intended to be played multiple times throughout a day. Audience comfort is prioritized with mattresses and cushions placed on the floor.
This project is designed to be adaptable. While the technical spatialized performance remains unchanged, you can adjust its theme, sound recordings, and aesthetics to suit the exhibition, its context, the venue, and the requests of third-party organizations.